This program provides physical education classes for children participating in home school education. Students ages 5-15 will participate in age-appropriate activities that include fitness, team-building games, and sport-specific skills to fill the need for a P.E. class. This program is designed to help improve your child's strength, increase endurance and energy, build self-esteem, improve coordination, and create healthy habits.

Ages: Ages 5 - 15    
Member fee: Free            
Non-member fee: $5/day/child
Starts: January 11th
Time: Thursdays 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: Fair Acres Location or Youth Activity Center


7th - Swim Day

14th - Game Day/Fitness Bingo

21st - Indoor Playground (Youth Actvitity Center) - Thanksgiving Party



5th - Swim Day

12th - Pirate Adventure Day

19th - Indoor Playground (Youth Actvitity Center) - Christmas Party



16th - Games for the 4 seasons of the year

23rd -Indoor Playground

30th -Workout Stations Day


6th -Float and Swim Day!

13th -Weights Day

20th -Indoor Playground

27th -Nerf Wars


6th -Glow Stick Swim

13th -Track and Field Day

27th-Indoor Playground



3rd -Swim

10th -Easter Egg Hunt/ Frisbee Day

24th -Indoor Playground


1st -Give Back Day!

8th -Indoor Playground (End of Year Party)